

[Gist]Mum is jailed for stabbing her "rapist" through the heart and penis

A mother who stabbed her alleged rapist to death after which she dragged his body behind her car for a mile has been jailed for 10 years.

Roxanne Eka Peters, 35, stabbed 51-year-old Grant Cassar in the heart and penis with a kitchen knife days after he allegedly raped her. She attacked him at her home in Capalaba when he threatened to harm her daughter unless she had sex with him again, a court heard.

As she repeatedly stabbed him, she said: "You don’t rape me".
After killing him in Queensland, Australia, Peters attached Cassar's body to her car with a rope and dragged it across the street before dumping the corpse in a ditch beside a road in December 2015.

Mum is jailed for stabbing her "rapist" through the heart and penis

The body was found the next day with more than 60 injuries, including knife wounds to his heart and penis and also a stab injury to his oesophagus.
Peters was yesterday jailed for 10-and-a-half years in Brisbane after pleading guilty to manslaughter and interfering with a corpse. However, she will be eligible for parole in less than two years - in June 2020 - due to time already served, according to local reports.
Sentencing Peters, Justice David Boddice described Cassar's rape of her and his threats to harm her child as a "significant provocation". But he said the defendant should have sought help immediately after stabbing him to death, instead of "callously" disposing of his body. 

Mum is jailed for stabbing her "rapist" through the heart and penis

Peters, who was sentenced at Brisbane Supreme Court, was working as a pharmacist's assistant at the time of the stabbing in December 2015.
The court was told that, several days earlier, Cassar had tied Peters up and sexually attacked her, according to the Courier Mail. He later broke into the mother's house "to do a meth cook-up" before threatening her daughter. Peter then launched the fatal attack.
Cassar's grieving mum, Janice Cassar, told the court that "whoever wrote the words 'wounds heal with time,' obviously never lost a child".

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