

Former official White House photographer shades Donald Trump by comparing him with Obama after he said he will revoke birthright citizenship

Pete Souza, the former Chief Official White House photographer for U.S. Presidents Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama, has shaded Donald Trump, as usual, after Trump said he will revoke birthright citizenship.

Trump said the birthright citizenship which allows children of non-citizens and illegal immigrants born in the US to become automatic citizens is "ridiculous" and promised to revoke the law with an executive order (read here).

Reacting to Trump's statement, Pete shared a photo of the 44th president of the United States Obama carrying twin babies and said people trusted Obama with their babies but it isn't so with Trump, the 45th president of the United States.

He went on to say that Trump does not have the power to revoke the 14th amendment with an executive order.
He wrote:
People trusted him with their babies. I’m pretty sure that’s not true with 46 minus 1. And don’t believe today’s story about him revoking birthright citizenship: he can’t change a constitutional amendment with an executive order. It’s just another lie intended to placate his base before the mid-term election. Rather than repeat this falsehood, news organizations should be calling it a lie.

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